Videos inlagda av eightypuff

Black ops montage // Jungle warfare (Eightypuff) 02:01
- Villl ni ha en clan match 4vs4 eller 2vs2 så hör av er;) Gameplay: Eightypuff Map: Jungle Music: skrillex foreign beggars- Scatta Edit by: keMi Loorik
Spel 9 sep 2011   Av: eightypuff   Klick: 2 024  
Eightypuff Black Ops Montage (Focus on the mission)      //  Consolebuffoornery 03:40
- Map: Summit Song: Marina and the diamonds - I am not a robot (clock opera remix) Editor: keMi looRik
Spel 7 sep 2011   Av: eightypuff   Klick: 2 291  
EIghtypuff black ops montage (The bloody beetroots at the firing range) 06:10
- vill ni ha en clan match? Skriv in erat gamertag så återkommer jag....
Spel 13 aug 2011   Av: eightypuff   Klick: 2 437