- Vi Rackarna har nu införskaffat oss en bungeelina för att få fart till skidor och snowboard och även kanske nått annat kul stunt!
Idag var vi ute och testade den i våran fina snö vi fått!
- Gav and Dan accidentally discover how to punch the sky in the face with a can of butane. If you happen to find the charred remains of the can on your rooftop or you spot it orbiting the earth with a t
- At one point, our squad-buddy Wacko Jacko had a confession to make.
At 66 years old, he claims he's the oldest Battlefield Bad Company 2 player in the world. And he's looking for friends!
We had t
- The one and only real fail compilation returns. The best fails of the month in one single compilation. Going down a hill with a piano, backflip gone wrong. It's all in this compilation. I know you'll
- "Funny Little World" Lyrics:
Suddenly I'm famous,
and people know my name.
I've got a thousand girls just waiting,
and therefore it's a shame
that my heart has been captured
by your funny little