Divine World ∫ Rsps ∫ Perfect For Pkers/Skillers/Pvmers
Kommentarer (1)
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- Beskrivning
- Website: www.divineworld.smfnew.com (will be buying a domain soon)
Webclient: http://www.divineworld.smfnew.com/index.php?page=webclient
Download: dl.dropbox.com/u/53909731/DivineWorldV2.jar
Server Description:
Suitable for pkers, skillers, and pvmers.
Skillers that max out are awarded comp cape and other rewards.
Ignore this:
Runescape Private Server, Rsps, Duping, Divine World, Dw, #1 server range of ish ishybadboy kenste,sparc mac,darker manz,i kasoy i,wtfelvemage,r0o0o0o0o0ofl4g3z!
bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans di rs elvemage kids ranqesoz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91rs elvewatfordprivate server pking duping stufpking p2p f2p member bh bounty hunter team cape rs range of ish pk vid 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 20 21 22 23 magic mage str strength ranging range magic hp hitpoints josh rs max andrew goner rune wildyowns1 tupac ignore this rs dis songs music rock rap hiphop bs bh bounty hunter pking bh pking wild gone wildy gone never coming back dueling vidrange of ish dueling vid i vmser i i ayzee i defil3d kids ranqe elvemage i kasoy i fuzzy002005 zezima uloveme the old nite 45 46 comments subsribe coventry uk england msn usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs p2p magic f2p p2p zezima kdis ranqe soz owned ishybadboy ishybadboy range of ish dark bow bh bs not bounty hunter rs 1 def defence 1 bloodhoun34 bloodhoun party hat scam hacks bounty hunter pk pked member dds spec armadyl godsword bandos godsword pk ice barrage ancient magepure medium low high crater ags bgs sgs zgs special vengeance pking with ags ags pked dchain dbow taste vengeance lunar ice bs bh pking bounty hunter pking bountyhunter bs bh rs upload videos p hat purple hat clan purple hats bh clans di rs elvemage kids ranqesoz owned defil3d elf mage pka i ayzee i joshinator48 eazy e369 rs rs i ayzee i wildy owns1 spanjol 91
rs elvewatfordrange of ish dueling vid i vmser i i ayzee i defil3d kids ranqe elvemage i kasoy i fuzzy002005 zezima uloveme the old nite 45 46 passed away died cancer views comments subsribe coventry uk england msn usa amercia pk vid bounty hunter range of ish pk vid 13 bounty hunter pking vid rs p2p magic f2p p2p zezima kdis ranqe soz owned ishybadboy ishybadboy range of ish dark bow bh bs not bounty hunter rs 1 def defence 1 bloodhoun34 bloodhoun rif tiny pupet elvemage elvemage elvemage pk vid 1 Nercychlidae elvemage Elvewatford on youtube is elvemage and his name Wolfex16!KIDS RANQE PURPLE 0WNZ ZEZIMA N0VALYFE PHAT LURE OWNAGE WILDY WILDERNESS ELVEMAGE ELVEMAGE PKING RUN3 4RR0WPK OWNAGE MAIKEL PRO I MAHATMA I EVO BLOODHOUN34 KIDS RANQE KRAZYFAKEN PKER PKING INTIATE PURE 99 STR MAGE RANGE OBBY MAUL WICKED MAUL FIRE CAPE P00NAGE I KASOY I ELF MAGE PKA OBBY MAUL MAULER EDGEVILLE POONAGEkids ranqe elvemage purple 0wnz bloodhoun34 pking wild pker ownage zezima phat lure KIDS RANQE PURPLE 0WNZ ZEZIMA N0VALYFE PHAT LURE OWNAGE WILDY WILDERNESS ELVEMAGE ELVEMAGE PKING RUN3 4RR0WPK OWNAGE MAIKEL PRO I MAHATMA I EVO BLOODHOUN34 KIDS RANQE KRAZYFAKEN PKER PKING INTIATE PURE OWNAGE LURE PHAT 99 1337 PWNAGE PKING PKERS PK PARTYHAT ZEZIMA N0VALYFE WILDY BARRAGE ANCIENTS LURING FROSTYDAPKER JETCHIMP BLOOD SEASON BLOODHOUN34 I Mahatma I, Stonecoldpkr,P0ke N Die2, Sourpatchk1d, Krazyfaken, Kids Ranqe ,1 Pure Devil, Evilsexc, Dizzy Mauler, I Shonomercy, E4t F0od Nub, Im Easy Xp, Iminsan3, Pure insan3, and Xoxofuryxoxo.whipper whip elvemage sv3rigebloodhoun34 hiei the pklexmark786th outlaw i meleed i ultimate strength hybrid barrage blitz burst 99 range mage krazyfaken finnald party hat phat set rich staker best r 100m 100B 1b 99 magic party best drop party 99 range 99 str 99 def 99 atack TANKER pk vid purple p-hat yellow p-hat green blue p-hat white p-hat banned acount permantly banned back last chans appeal declined 99 summoning steel titan obsidian golem titans lava titan war - Inlagd av
- DivineWorld
- Datum
- 19 jun 2012 09:20
- Visningar
- 1 915
- Antal röster
- 4
- Klippets längd
- 01:39
- Kategori
- Coolt
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